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Useful Resources
License Exams
The NRC is an emergency call center that fields INITIAL reports for pollution incidents and forwards that information to appropriate federal/state agencies for response.
NRC WebsiteCPE Courses
American Water Works Association
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international non-profit organization that provides total water solutions. Among the services offered are classes that can be used for CPE hours. AWWA offers a variety of courses both in person, webinar, and some eLearning.
As AWWA is a national organization, make sure to communicate with points of contact within AWWA prior to signing up to ensure credit for Virginia CPEs. Audits will require some form of certificate of completion, ideally the VA CPE Certificate as provided on the DPOR website.
Events and Courses
Virginia Rural Water Association
The Virginia Rural Water Association (VRWA) seeks "To provide professional development, assistance, and training for our members that enhances the proficiency of their operations through education and support services." As part of an effort to complete that mission, VRWA sponsors training programs, often with small systems in mind. Some of these courses are in person, but they offer other coorespondence courses through SunCoast Learning Systems.
Events and Courses
SunCoast Learning Online Courses
Virginia Tech Water Training Courses
The private university of Virginia Tech based out of Blacksburg, VA provides continuing professional education for a variety of topics, including water and wastewater. These training courses help water operators from the smallest to the largest municipal systems.
Virginia Tech offers courses both in person and online. In person events are scheduled across different parts of the state and online courses are frequently delivered via Zoom.
Events and Courses